You may have created great video content and did everything to make it visible to online viewers. But somehow, your expected results did not happen. The number of views is still low, meaning very few people found your video. Now you’re wondering what happens and why other videos are enjoying good viewership.
What items contribute to video content accessibility? They are called subtitles and captions!
To make things clear, in the United States, subtitles and captions are different. Subtitles are translations of the dialogue on the screen to benefit viewers who are not speakers of the video’s language. Captions, on the other hand, are text versions of the spoken words in the video. It can include interjections, pauses, and descriptions of different sounds other than what is spoken.

Types of captions
Captions are primarily used to help the deaf and hard of hearing, allowing them to understand what is happening on the screen. Some organizations use dedicated software to provide captions to their videos. Others hire professional closed captioning services to ensure the quality and accuracy of the captions they provide.
Open captions
Some people call open captions hard-coded captions. They automatically appear on the screen when the video starts. They cannot be removed as the captions are embedded in the video. Videos with open captions come with the letters “OC.”
Closed captions
When you see the ”CC” symbol, you know that the video has closed captions. Viewers can turn the captions on or off as they please. With closed captions, the synchronized text is in a separate file.

Importance of captions and subtitles
For creators of video content for public information, education, brand awareness, and entertainment, subtitles and captions are vital for the following reasons.
– Not all people can hear. Millions of Americans are deaf or hearing-impaired. Without subtitles or captions, you deny them equal access to information. In addition, you fail in reaching out to a sizeable potential consumer base. Providing subtitles/captions to your videos makes you comply with the provisions under Section 508 of the amended Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
– More people do not or cannot turn on audio. Most people today are watching videos without turning on audio. Sometimes it’s because they are in a noisy place, and the noise in the background interferes with the audio clarity of the video they are watching. On the other hand, many people turn off audio because they are in a quiet place and do not want to disrupt the silence.
– Captions/subtitles enhance topic comprehension. The capabilities of people to learn vary, and some know better when they can read the material, while others understand a topic better when there is audio. Subtitles and captions give them the options to learn in the way they prefer.
– You keep viewers engaged longer. Viewers tend to watch videos longer when there are subtitles or captions. More viewers help improve your search engine rankings. Moreover, it encourages viewers to share your videos with others. They can also increase click-throughs, which convert to more sales.
You capture more audience and improve content comprehension with subtitles or captions. Whatever your purpose for creating content, these lines of text can help you reach more people, help people with hearing loss, and boost your business.
Websites by Masterhouse
Masterhouse Media is an innovative digital consulting agency from Vancouver, BC specializing in web development and mobile apps. Masterhouse is best known for launching the popular Internet portal in 1999, one of the first social media platforms on the Internet. The company is currently focused on building digital strategies and premium websites for clients. Find out more at